Refund Policy

Since is providing non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds once the order is placed and the product is sent. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site. However, we realize that exceptional circumstances can take place with regard to the character of the product we supply. Therefore, we DO honor requests for the refund on the following reasons:

- Non-delivery of the service: in some cases the process speed is slower, and it may take a little longer for your orders to finish. In this case we recommend contacting us for assistance. Claims for non-delivery must be submitted to our support department in writing within 7 days from the order placing date. Otherwise the delivery will be considered completed. We will not honor requests for a refund when we have notified customers about possible maintenance on the website before ordering..

- Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported to our support department within 2 days from the date of the purchase. Clear evidence must be provided proving that the purchased product is not as it is described on the website. Complaints which are based merely on the customer’s false expectations or wishes are not accepted.

Our support team is always ready to assist you and deliver highly professional support in a timely manner. Thank you for using our service.